Do you have radioactive material for which you have had trouble finding an acceptable outlet? The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) offers assistance in finding affordable, legal disposition for radioactive material through:
The CRCPD program has three aspects:
Staff Assistance CRCPD staff will identify contacts at government agencies and commercial services for on-scene assistance with securing and assessing radioactive material. The CRCPD will assist with finding, and in some cases funding, an outlet for unwanted radioactive material or related equipment such as radiation detectors or shielding. CRCPD staff typically respond to each request within one working day, giving advice, offering contacts for on-site assistance, or sending information, as appropriate. Where appropriate, CRCPD staff will assist in locating manufacturers and individual licensees that might accept the material, or for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) acceptance, and will provide other assistance where needed. These CRCPD services are provided to both the general public and regulatory agencies without charge. To obtain staff assistance with radioactive material, contact: E-mail: Russ Meyer ( Registration Funds for Disposition of Radioactive Material
This is accomplished under an agreement between the radiation control program and CRCPD. CRCPD pays vendors and CRCPD reimburses the radiation program for payment of Vendors. The current program expands the scope beyond that introduced in 2001. |