CRCPD Positions & Resolutions

Approval of Candidates for RERO Courses
Emergency Response Transportation, PositionsER-T3Approval of Candidates for RERO Coursesemergency-response-transportation-positions positions
Board of Directors Position on State Expectations of the FRMAC
Emergency Response Transportation, PositionsER-T7Board of Directors Position on State Expectations of the FRMACemergency-response-transportation-positions positions
Communicating factual radiation safety information relating to food irradiation
Administrative, ResolutionsA-15Communicating factual radiation safety information relating to food irradiationadministrative-resolutions resolutions
Computed Tomography Protocol Reviews
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-27Computed Tomography Protocol Reviewshealing-arts positions
Concern over the safety and possible environmental consequences of an accident at nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union on citizens of the United States and particularly those in Alaska.
Administrative, ResolutionsA-13Concern over the safety and possible environmental consequences of an accident at nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union on citizens of the United States and particularly those in Alaska.administrative-resolutions resolutions
Emergency Response Training Course.
Emergency Response-Transportation, ResolutionsER-T1Emergency Response Training Course.emergency-response-transportation resolutions
Executive Board Position on Indoor Radon
Radon, RadonExecutive Board Position on Indoor Radonradon radon-positions-resolutions positions
Executive Board Position on Indoor Radon
Positions, RadonR-3Executive Board Position on Indoor Radonpositions radon-positions-resolutions
Gonadal Shielding
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-39Gonadal Shieldinghealing-arts positions
Manadtory Use of Accredited Dosimetry
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-1Manadtory Use of Accredited Dosimetryhealing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Nasopharyngeal Applicators
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-3Nasopharyngeal Applicatorshealing-arts positions
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Areas of Planning Attention
Emergency Response Transportation, PositionsER-T17Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Areas of Planning Attentionemergency-response-transportation-positions positions
NextGen Radiochemists Training Program
Emergency Response Transportation, PositionsER-T19NextGen Radiochemists Training Programemergency-response-transportation-positions positions
Patient Radiation Exposure Tracking
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-31Patient Radiation Exposure Trackinghealing-arts positions
Positions, RadonR-9Positionpositions radon-positions-resolutions
Radiation protection programs at the state level of government being located within a single agency and maintained as a unified entity for managing comprehensive radiation control programs.
Administrative, ResolutionsA-5Radiation protection programs at the state level of government being located within a single agency and maintained as a unified entity for managing comprehensive radiation control programs.administrative-resolutions resolutions
Radon and its Relative Risk
Positions, RadonR-1Radon and its Relative Riskpositions radon-positions-resolutions
Recommended Safety Practice for Radioactive Materials in Recycled Metals
Environmental, PositionsE-7Recommended Safety Practice for Radioactive Materials in Recycled Metalsenvironmental positions
Regulatory control at U.S. Department of Energy facilities and responsibility of State for regulation of non-Atomic Energy Act radiation sources (material and machine) at all facilities.
Administrative, ResolutionsA-3Regulatory control at U.S. Department of Energy facilities and responsibility of State for regulation of non-Atomic Energy Act radiation sources (material and machine) at all facilities.administrative-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning
Healing Arts, ResolutionsRelating to: Computed Tomography (CT) Scanninghealing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Control and Disposal of Tritium EXIT Signs
Resolutions, Waste MangementWM-17Relating to: Control and Disposal of Tritium EXIT Signsresolutions waste-mangement-resolutions
Relating to: Discrete Radium Waste Management
Positions, Waste MangementWM-1Relating to: Discrete Radium Waste Managementpositions waste-mangement
Relating to: Disposal of Radioactive Sources
Resolutions, Waste MangementWM-19Relating to: Disposal of Radioactive Sourcesresolutions waste-mangement-resolutions
Relating to: Efforts to Reduce Medical Errors
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-21Relating to: Efforts to Reduce Medical Errorshealing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: EPA Radon Citizens Guide
Positions, RadonR-7Relating to: EPA Radon Citizens Guidepositions radon-positions-resolutions
Relating to: EPA Radon SIRG Program
Radon, Radon, ResolutionsR-13Relating to: EPA Radon SIRG Programradon-publications resolutions-radon resolutions publications
Relating to: EPA's Homebuyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon
Positions, Radon, RadonR-11Relating to: EPA’s Homebuyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radonpositions radon radon-positions-resolutions
Relating to: Exemptions from Regulatory Control
Positions, Waste MangementWM-9Relating to: Exemptions from Regulatory Controlpositions waste-mangement
Relating to: Indoor Radon Abatement Act
Positions, RadonR-5Relating to: Indoor Radon Abatement Actpositions radon-positions-resolutions
Relating to: Merger of Arkansas and Kentucky Corporations
Administrative, ResolutionsA-11Relating to: Merger of Arkansas and Kentucky Corporationsadministrative-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Minimum Standards for Persons Who Administer Radiologic Procedures
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-17Relating to: Minimum Standards for Persons Who Administer Radiologic Procedureshealing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995
Administrative, ResolutionsA-17Relating to: National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995administrative-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Prevention of Unnecessary Radiation Exposure to Patients from Fluoroscopy
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-23ARelating to: Prevention of Unnecessary Radiation Exposure to Patients from Fluoroscopyhealing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Public being irradiated with ionizing radiation for non-medical purposes.
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-19Relating to: Public being irradiated with ionizing radiation for non-medical purposes.healing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Public Information Committee
Resolutions, Working Groups of CRCPDWG-1Relating to: Public Information Committeeresolutions working-groups-of-crcpd
Relating to: Reduced protection from x-ray exposure resulting from theproposed revisions to the Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic Equipment and their Major Components (FPS).
Healing Arts, ResolutionsHA-5Relating to: Reduced protection from x-ray exposure resulting from theproposed revisions to the Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic Equipment and their Major Components (FPS).healing-arts-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Regulation of ll{e)2 radioactive material, and the transfer of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers {USACE)
Environmental, ResolutionsE-9Relating to: Regulation of ll{e)2 radioactive material, and the transfer of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers {USACE)environmental-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Regulation of U.S. Department of Energy Facilities and Responsibilities of States for the Regulation of Sources of Radiation (Radioactive Materials and Radiation Producing Machines) at Those Facilities.
Environmental, ResolutionsE-11Relating to: Regulation of U.S. Department of Energy Facilities and Responsibilities of States for the Regulation of Sources of Radiation (Radioactive Materials and Radiation Producing Machines) at Those Facilities.environmental-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Requirements for industrial radiography certification and the two qualified person crew in the final revision to 10 CFR Part 34
Resolutions, Rulemaking-SSRsR-SSR7Relating to: Requirements for industrial radiography certification and the two qualified person crew in the final revision to 10 CFR Part 34resolutions rulemaking-ssrs
Relating to: Risk-Based Decision Making
Administrative, ResolutionsA-9Relating to: Risk-Based Decision Makingadministrative-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Security of Radioactive Materials
Environmental, ResolutionsE-15Relating to: Security of Radioactive Materialsenvironmental-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: Shipment of Radioactive Materials by Air
Emergency Response-Transportation, ResolutionsER-T9Relating to: Shipment of Radioactive Materials by Airemergency-response-transportation resolutions
Relating to: State ROSS Coordinator
Homeland Security, Homeland Security, Resolutions, ROSSRelating to: State ROSS Coordinatorhomeland-security homeland-security-resolutions resolutions ross publications
Relating to: Stray and Unwanted Radioactive Sources
Resolutions, Waste MangementWM-15Relating to: Stray and Unwanted Radioactive Sourcesresolutions waste-mangement-resolutions
Relating to: Task Forces and Committees
Resolutions, Working Groups of CRCPDWG-3Relating to: Task Forces and Committeesresolutions working-groups-of-crcpd
Relating to: The Release from Regulatory Control of Solid Materials from Nuclear Facilities.
Environmental, ResolutionsE-13Relating to: The Release from Regulatory Control of Solid Materials from Nuclear Facilities.environmental-resolutions resolutions
Relating to: the safe transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW)
Emergency Response-Transportation, ResolutionsER-T15Relating to: the safe transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW)emergency-response-transportation resolutions
Relating to: Transuranic Neutron Source Reclamation
Resolutions, Waste MangementRelating to: Transuranic Neutron Source Reclamationresolutions waste-mangement-resolutions
Resolution IV
Resolutions, Rulemaking-SSRsR-SSR1Resolution IVresolutions rulemaking-ssrs
The NAS-IOM Report entitled "Radiation in Medicine - A Need for Regulatory Reform
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-11The NAS-IOM Report entitled “Radiation in Medicine – A Need for Regulatory Reformhealing-arts positions
The promulgations by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) program guidance relating to radiation detection, exposure, and other issues relative to scientific standards.
Emergency Response-Transportation, ResolutionsER-T11The promulgations by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) program guidance relating to radiation detection, exposure, and other issues relative to scientific standards.emergency-response-transportation resolutions
The use of mobile x-ray units in ambulatory care facilities in place of installing a fixed x-ray device.
Healing Arts, PositionsThe use of mobile x-ray units in ambulatory care facilities in place of installing a fixed x-ray device.healing-arts positions
Tracking of vehicles or devices carrying portable, highly radioactive sources that require Increased Controls
Administrative, ResolutionsA-19Tracking of vehicles or devices carrying portable, highly radioactive sources that require Increased Controlsadministrative-resolutions resolutions
Use of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Body Fat Measurement
Healing Arts, PositionsHA-37Use of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Body Fat Measurementhealing-arts positions