The ROSS Program is managed by FEMA as guided by a Steering Committee of FEMA CBRN, the DHS National Urban Security Technology Laboratory, the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration and the CRCPD.
If you have questions about becoming a ROSS or using ROSS contact the ROSS Steering Committee at FEMA-ROSS@FEMA.DHS.GOV
Vibrant Response 14 - "This was tremendously exciting."

Southern Exposure 15 - "This was an incredible opportunity for me personally and for the ROSS program in its early days.".

Silent Thunder - "The most satisfying part of the Silent Thunder exercises seeing the responders polled on their confidence to respond to an RDD and seeing the improvement from the start to the completion of the exercise."

ROSS Stories

Vibrant Response 16 from Jeffery Semancik
When Bill Irwin asked me if I wanted to participate as a ROSS in Vibrant
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Southern Exposure 15 from Ken Yale
This was an incredible opportunity for me personally and for the ROSS program in its
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Vibrant Response 14 from Bill Irwin, ScD, CHP
This was tremendously exciting. It was also very difficult. This was July 2014 and I
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